- A template for `settings.ini` can be found at [`deploy/settings_template.ini`](deploy/settings_template.ini). This template will be automatically copied to the data volume as default settings file if a settings file does not already exist.
- The file `secrets.ini` will be generated automatically after the first start of the container if it does not exist.
- Open the file `~/advlabdb/traefik/etc/traefik.yaml`, uncomment `email: EMAIL` and replace `EMAIL` it with your email address. You will receive a notification to this email address if any problem with your SSL certificate (for https) occur, for example certificate expiration.
- Open the file `~/advlabdb/traefik/etc/dynamic`, uncomment ``rule: Host(`SERVER_NAME`)`` and replace `SERVER_NAME` with your domain, `advlabdb.mo8it.com` for example.
- Change the time zone `TZ` in `~/advlabdb/traefik/compose.yaml` if it is not `Europe/Berlin`. Use the command `tzselect` to find out your time zone.
- Now start Traefik by running the command `sudo docker compose up -d` in the directory `~/advlabdb/traefik`.
- Initialize the database by running `sudo docker compose run advlabdb manage.py setup init-db` in the directory `~/advlabdb/repo` and following the guide.
- Start AdvLabDB by running the command `sudo docker compose up -d` in the directory `~/advlabdb/repo`.
- Visit the domain that you specified in the Traefik configuration as `SERVER_NAME` to test if AdvLabDB is running. If this is not the case, open an issue, maybe I could help :)