Welcome to this website, AdvLabDB, where you will be able to manage your lab assistance. Please, *read this documentation* to familiarize yourself with this website.
This is your home page. Here, you currently only find the number of *missing* final experiment marks for the experiments that you are assigned to. At the latest at the end of the semester, this number should be 0. A number higher than 0 means that some oral and/or protocol marks are missing. The final experiment mark is calculated automatically after the oral and protocol marks of an experiment are set.
Here, you will find all the appointments you have for the experiments you are assigned to. You can only edit the _Date_ of an appointment. You should do so after writing with the students doing the experiment corresponding to the appointment. The initial date you find before editing it is only a suggestion in the week where the appointment should take place. If _Special_ is checked, then the date should be chosen in the semester break.
Here, you find the experiment marks that you have to fill for every student in every group. Students in a group have separate marks. The oral mark has to be set after the oral exam. The protocol mark has to be set after correcting the group's protocol. The final experiment mark is calculated automatically after the oral and protocol marks are set.
Here, you find a table with only one entry which is you as a user. Make sure that the fields _Phone Number_, _Mobile Phone Number_, _Building_ and _Room_ are filled and up to date, especially if you are a new assistant. To edit these fields, click on the pen icon at the left of the single entry in the table. After editing, click on _Save_.
You can generate a new random password by clicking on the pen icon, checking the corresponding checkbox and then clicking on _Save_. You will be then logged out. Your new password is displayed above the login fields. Make sure that you save the password in a safe place. Using a free open source password manager like https://bitwarden.com/[Bitwarden^] or https://keepassxc.org/[KeepassXC^] is recommended.
An active semester is the semester you are working in. All shown experiment marks and appointments are in your active semester. By default as a new assistant, your active semester should be the latest semester.
If you see a warning that you are in an old semester, click on _Active semester_ and choose the latest semester. You should only work in an old semester if there are still experiment marks to be set in the old semester.