from pathlib import Path from ..terminal_utils import run, step from .shared import LOCAL_BIN, LOGS_DIR, install_latest_pipx, poetry_update def main(): file_dir = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() step("Update system packages") run("sudo apt update") run("sudo apt dist-upgrade") step("Remove unused packages") run("sudo apt autoremove") step("Install needed system packages") run("sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-venv ufw nginx systemd asciidoctor -y") step("Install optional system packages") run("sudo apt install htop") step("Setup firewall") run("sudo ufw default allow outgoing") run("sudo ufw default deny incoming") run("sudo ufw allow ssh") run("sudo ufw allow http/tcp") run("sudo ufw allow https/tcp") run("sudo ufw enable") run("sudo ufw status") step("Enable Gunicorn") gunicorn_service_file = file_dir / "gunicorn.service" run(f"sudo cp -v {gunicorn_service_file} /etc/systemd/system/") run("sudo systemctl enable gunicorn") step("Setup Nginx") for dir_appendix in ("available", "enabled"): run(f"sudo rm -v /etc/nginx/sites-{dir_appendix}/default") nginx_conf_file = file_dir / "advlabdb.conf" run(f"sudo cp -v {nginx_conf_file} /etc/nginx/sites-available/") run("sudo ln -v -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/advlabdb.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/") run("sudo systemctl enable nginx") step("Install pipx") install_latest_pipx() pipx_bin = LOCAL_BIN / "pipx" step("Install Poetry") run(f"{pipx_bin} install poetry") # Place virtual environments in the root directory of the project # The virtual environment will then be found in /home/admin/advlabdb/.venv poetry_bin = LOCAL_BIN / "poetry" run(f"{poetry_bin} config true") step("Install Certbot") run(f"{pipx_bin} install certbot") run(f"{pipx_bin} inject certbot certbot-nginx") step("Setup Certbot") certbot_bin = LOCAL_BIN / "certbot" run(f"sudo {certbot_bin} --nginx") run( f"echo \"0 0,12 * * * root python3 -c 'import random; import time; time.sleep(random.random() * 3600)' && sudo {certbot_bin} renew -q\" | sudo tee -a /etc/crontab" ) step("Setup update cron jobs") user_update_script = file_dir / "" user_update_log = LOGS_DIR / "user_update.log" # Every Sunday at 04:00 run(f'echo "0 4 * * 0 admin python3 -u {user_update_script} &>> {user_update_log}" | sudo tee -a /etc/crontab') root_update_script = file_dir / "" root_update_log = LOGS_DIR / "root_update.log" # Every Sunday at 04:15 run(f'echo "15 4 * * 0 root python3 -u {root_update_script} &>> {root_update_log}" | sudo tee -a /etc/crontab') step("Install latest Poetry packages") poetry_update() step("Deactivate the 'root' user") run("sudo passwd -l root") step("Reboot") run("sudo reboot") if __name__ == "__main__": main()