from random import choice from string import ascii_letters, digits from flask import flash from flask_security import current_user from advlabdb import db from advlabdb.models import Semester def makeTable(headerAndDataList, rows, tableId="table"): def cellString(cell): cell = str(cell) if cell == "[]": return "None" excludeChars = """<>"'[]""" for c in excludeChars: if c in cell: cell = cell.replace(c, "") return cell def td(cell): return "" + cellString(cell) + "" def th(cell): return '' + cellString(cell) + "" table = ( '''""" ) for i in headerAndDataList: table += th(i[0]) table += """\n""" for row in rows: table += "" for i in headerAndDataList: table += td(eval(i[1])) table += "\n" table += """

""" return table def appointmentDate(date): return date.strftime("%a %d.%m.%Y") def randomPassword(): return "".join(choice(ascii_letters + digits) for i in range(12)) def titleToTemplate(page): return page.lower().replace(" ", "_") def userActiveSemester(flashWarning=False): lastSemesterId = Semester.query.all()[-1].id if current_user.active_semester_id is None: current_user.active_semester_id = lastSemesterId db.session.commit() elif current_user.active_semester_id != lastSemesterId: activeSemester = Semester.query.get(current_user.active_semester_id) if activeSemester: if flashWarning: flash(f"You are in the old semester {activeSemester.label}!", "warning") else: current_user.active_semester_id = lastSemesterId db.session.commit() flash("Semester changed!", "warning") return Semester.query.get(current_user.active_semester_id) def partFromLabelInUserActiveSemester(partLabel): for part in userActiveSemester().parts: if part.label == partLabel: return part def setActiveSemester(semesterId): try: current_user.active_semester_id = Semester.query.get(int(semesterId)).id print(Semester.query.get(int(semesterId))) except Exception as err: flash(str(err)) return False db.session.commit() flash(f"Active semester changed to {Semester.query.get(semesterId).label}!", "warning") return True