# No relative imports allowed in this file to be able to run server_setup.py without packages import subprocess from getpass import getpass def run(command, **kwargs): return subprocess.run(command, shell=True, **kwargs) def box(message, context=None): text_line = "| " if context is not None: text_line += context + ": " text_line += message + " |" separator = "=" * len(text_line) print() print(separator) print(text_line) print(separator) print() def step(message): continue_message = "-> Press ENTER to continue or Ctrl+C to interrupt the script <-" upper_separator = "_" * len(continue_message) print() print(upper_separator) box(message, "Next step") print(continue_message) getpass("") print() def spaced_hl(): print("\n\n" + "_" * 20 + "\n\n") def validating_input( prompt, options=None, format_function=lambda ans: ans, check_constraints_function=lambda ans: True, ): if options is not None: prompt += " [" for opt in options[:-1]: prompt += opt + "/" prompt += options[-1] + "]: " lowered_options = [opt.lower() for opt in options] def adj_check_constraints_function(ans): return ans.lower() in lowered_options and check_constraints_function(ans) else: prompt += ": " adj_check_constraints_function = check_constraints_function ans = None first_run = True done_validation = False while not done_validation or not adj_check_constraints_function(ans): if not first_run: done_validation = False print("Invalid input!\n") else: first_run = False ans = input(prompt) try: ans = format_function(ans) except Exception: continue else: done_validation = True return ans def confirm(prompt): ans = validating_input( prompt, options=("y", "n"), format_function=lambda ans: ans.lower(), ) if ans == "y": return True else: return False