{% from "macros.jinja.html" import information %} {% extends "admin/master.html" %} {% block body %} {{ information(current_user, active_semester_str, role="assistant") }}
Group number {{ group_number }}

Experiment {{ semester_experiment.experiment.str() }}
Oral mark weighting {{ semester_experiment.oral_weighting }}
Protocol mark weighting {{ semester_experiment.protocol_weighting }}
Final experiment mark weighting {{ semester_experiment.final_weighting }}

{{ form.csrf_token }}
{% for appointment_field in appointment_fields %} {% endfor %}
Appointment date Should be in break
{{ appointment_field(class="form-control") }} {{ appointment_field.description }}

{% for student, oral_experiment_mark, protocol_experiment_mark, final_experiment_mark in experiment_mark_zip %} {% endfor %}
Student Oral mark Protocol mark Final experiment mark¹ University email Contact email²
{{ student }} {{ oral_experiment_mark(class="form-control", style="width: auto;") }} {{ protocol_experiment_mark(class="form-control", style="width: auto;") }} {% if final_experiment_mark is none %} None {% else %} {{ final_experiment_mark }} {% endif %} {{ student.uni_email }} {% if student.contact_email is not none %} {{ student.contact_email }} {% endif %}

{{ form.note(class="form-control") }}

{{ form.submit(class="btn btn-primary btn-block") }}

1. The final experiment mark is calculated automatically with the oral and protocol marks and experiment specific weightings.

2. The contact email is the preferred email address for contact if entered by the student.

3. The note is optional and can be seen and edited by admins and assistants that are responsible for this experiment in this semester. It is for information related to the experiment and group. Examples: Protocol received, submission until ..., etc.

{{ footer|safe }} {% endblock body %}