""" This script builds a Debian container to test the server setup. Requirements: * python3 * podman * buildah On SELinux systems, you have to run the following to be able to run containers with systemd inside (taken from `man podman run`): `sudo setsebool -P container_manage_cgroup true` Run this script simply as a Python script: `python3 test_container.py` You will need to edit the file `.env`. Enter anything for the `SECRET_KEY` and `SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT` (only for testing!). Then set `SERVER_NAME=`. The script will throw some errors related to systemd. This is the case on `systemctl reboot` for example. These errors should not be relevant. They occur because of building an image and not running commands in a live server / container. After running the script, visit `` in your browser. If you want to clean up after testing with the container, run the following: `podman kill advlabdb` `podman rm advlabdb` `podman rmi advlabdb` `podman rmi systemd_debian` """ import subprocess # nosec 404 def run(command, **kwargs): return subprocess.run(command, shell=True, **kwargs) # nosec B602 def update_system(container_name): return run(f"buildah run {container_name} -- apt update && apt dist-upgrade -y && apt autoremove -y") def run_a(command): return run(f"buildah run advlabdb -- {command}") def main(): print("<> Remove old Buildah containers") run("buildah rm -a") if run("podman image exists systemd_debian").returncode != 0: print("<> Build debian image with systemd") run("buildah from --name tmp docker.io/library/debian:latest") update_system("tmp") run("buildah run tmp -- apt install -y systemd systemd-sysv fish neovim fd-find ripgrep") run("buildah config --cmd /sbin/init con") print("<> Commit debian image with systemd") run("buildah commit --rm tmp systemd_debian") if run("podman container exists advlabdb").returncode == 0: print("<> Remove old advlabdb container") run("podman kill advlabdb") run("podman rm advlabdb") print("<> Build advlabdb image") run("buildah from --name advlabdb localhost/systemd_debian:latest") print("<> Root setup") update_system("advlabdb") run_a("apt install sudo python3 git -y") run_a("sudo useradd admin") run_a("sudo usermod -aG sudo admin") run_a("mkhomedir_helper admin") print("Enter new admin user password:") run_a("sudo passwd admin") print("<> Admin setup") run("buildah config --workingdir /home/admin -u admin advlabdb") run_a("git clone https://gitlab.rlp.net/mobitar/advlabdb.git") run("buildah config --workingdir /home/admin/advlabdb advlabdb") run_a("cp -v advlabdb/scripts/setup/advlabdb.conf.template advlabdb/scripts/setup/advlabdb.conf") run_a("cp -v .env.template .env") run_a("nvim .env") run_a("python3 advlabdb/scripts/setup/server_setup.py") run_a("/home/admin/.local/bin/poetry run python3 -m advlabdb.scripts.setup.init_database") run("buildah config -u root advlabdb") if run("podman image exists advlabdb").returncode == 0: print("<> Remove old image") run("podman rmi advlabdb") print("<> Commit image advlabdb") run("buildah commit --rm advlabdb advlabdb") print("<> Start container") run("podman run -dit --name advlabdb -p 8080:80 advlabdb:latest") print("<> Done! Now visit") if __name__ == "__main__": main()