#!/usr/bin/bash # Needed packages: fd (find alternative), asciidoctor # You have to cd into the docs directory where this script is located before running it! # List of documentation files doc_file_names=$(fd -d 1 -t f --extension adoc --exclude "README.adoc") for doc_file_name in "${doc_file_names[@]}"; do doc_file_name_without_extension=${doc_file_name::-5} output_path=../advlabdb/templates/docs/$doc_file_name_without_extension.html # Convert to html with asciidoctor asciidoctor -v --backend html5 "$doc_file_name" -o "$output_path" # Add the Jinja raw tag sed -i "1i {% raw %}" "$output_path" echo -e "\n{% endraw %}" >>"$output_path" # Done echo "Generated $output_path" done