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### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
# v0.19.42
using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils
2022-03-29 06:14:36 +02:00
# This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error).
macro bind(def, element)
local iv = try Base.loaded_modules[Base.PkgId(Base.UUID("6e696c72-6542-2067-7265-42206c756150"), "AbstractPlutoDingetjes")].Bonds.initial_value catch; b -> missing; end
local el = $(esc(element))
global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.get, el) ? Base.get(el) : iv(el)
# ╔═╡ b3260050-4542-489d-b015-17092166095d
2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
# Import the plotting package we are going to use in this course
using Plots
# ╔═╡ 755b4cb8-e3ea-4142-bffd-e6db5f971d7c
# Oh, no, you found my secret! 😱
# Don't change this hidden cell!
using PlutoUI
# ╔═╡ b7cf2ed0-3241-4dbc-9c8c-6426b5b5de9f
# More about functions
Julia has a focus on functional programming. Therefore, understanding them well is very important for using Julia.
We did already learn how to define functions with simple arguments. Now, we will build on that.
# ╔═╡ 546fe77b-9c89-4207-8468-d27c10769bae
# Already known syntax with (positional) arguments
function f_with_positional_arguments(a, b)
return a + b
# ╔═╡ a7315857-a26b-44e8-9597-fdf631ff01fc
f_with_positional_arguments(1, 2)
# ╔═╡ cbc29275-eee5-4eee-b949-bafa9353af12
## Keyword arguments
What we did use until now are *positional arguments*.
You can declare *keyword arguments* in addition to positional arguments. Keyword arguments have to be named while calling a function (see below cells).
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Keyword arguments are declared after positional arguments and separated from positional arguments with a semicolon `;`.
# ╔═╡ ae5ebe62-37bd-423d-a102-fbbec8de8e0f
function f_with_keyword_arguments(a, b; c, d)
return ((a + b) * c) - d
# ╔═╡ f4624cc6-3859-4c63-91d4-372804f96f11
# This will not work!
# f_with_keyword_arguments(1, 2, 42, 55)
# ╔═╡ 173180d2-723b-485b-9188-94d4a0d25f6e
# Using a semicolon here is not necessary, but it is recommended.
# First, you assign all positional arguments, then all keyword arguments.
f_with_keyword_arguments(1, 2; c=42, d=55)
# ╔═╡ ddb2d568-8417-4046-8a46-6af01fd2e3ab
# The order of specifying keyword arguments is not important
# ⚠️ This is not the case for positional arguments
f_with_keyword_arguments(1, 2; d=55, c=42)
# ╔═╡ 2c7b5636-8818-40be-bfbe-19f2760b635a
# You can also define a function with only keyword arguments
# Make sure you include the semicolon at the beginning
function f_with_only_keyword_arguments(; a, b)
return a + b
# ╔═╡ 95f59ac7-8998-4aca-a323-f181db38200a
f_with_only_keyword_arguments(; a=1, b=2)
# ╔═╡ 981b1ff6-1259-4810-93c2-570e3a6db650
## Optional arguments
You can specify default values for positional and keyword arguments. These arguments are then *optional*.
# ╔═╡ d3106821-823a-41e5-959f-fee4e3a364b5
function f_with_default_arg_values(a, b=2; c, d=55)
return ((a + b) * c) - d
# ╔═╡ a5185ed5-1c8f-4d05-a321-f520b87b6413
# This is enough because the other arguments have default values
f_with_default_arg_values(1; c=42)
# ╔═╡ 61d4d6b5-e052-4aee-b808-e48d0b6c3062
# But you can also specify a value to overwrite the default one
f_with_default_arg_values(1, 3; c=4, d=55)
# ╔═╡ 35146a7a-4b2a-4f05-9110-59deb1835ec8
You can also make all the arguments optional by providing default values for every argument.
# ╔═╡ 604843ab-b913-4ea1-86b5-1eaaa553c1e8
Optional **positional** arguments have to be specified **at the end** (for calling the function).
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Optional **keyword** arguments don't have to be specified at the end because the order of specifying keyword arguments while calling a function is not important.
# ╔═╡ b5272b80-b013-460c-ae78-1b9a1a774c5c
# Optional positional arguments not at the end!
function f_with_wrong_default_values_order(a=1, b; c=42, d)
return ((a + b) * c) - d
# ╔═╡ 363221d0-b6b5-4244-b325-0e72e8b83881
## Mutating functions
In Julia, functions that mutate arguments have an exclamation mark (`!`) at the end of their name. The arguments that are mutated should be specified at the beginning as positional arguments.
Functions without an exclamation mark don't mutate their input! These functions are called `pure functions`.
This is not enforced in Julia. It is only a convention, but a one that is strongly recommended. Make sure you use this convention when you define functions!
# ╔═╡ 251a9bcf-9fe6-45f5-ae31-bcfb5e793cff
# Not mutating
v1 = [4, 2, 3, 1]
sorted_v1 = sort(v1)
@show v1
@show sorted_v1
# ╔═╡ 7aa6c4bf-c8f2-4cd0-a3fc-6ef05206ff84
# Mutating
v2 = [4, 2, 3, 1]
sorted_v2 = sort!(v2)
@show v2
@show sorted_v2
# ╔═╡ b35d2f60-7c2e-4a0d-bde9-75c8cd77bb90
Using mutating functions instead of not mutating ones is very important for performance!
`sort` does copy the input vector, sorts it and then returns the sorted copy.
`sort!` does not copy the input vector! Instead, the input vector is sorted inplace. This saves allocations caused by copying!
# ╔═╡ 44f6a08f-b2d7-4a72-9dbc-f6d158698d68
## Optional type annotation
You can **optionally** specify type annotations for function arguments. You don't need to do so. **This will NOT lead to any performance benefits!** Julia determines types and optimizes automatically.
But you can use type annotations for function arguments if you want to make sure that the user uses the function with arguments of a specific type. It does also help understanding what your function does when knowing the type of its input. In addition, type annotations for function arguments will be important for the next section about multiple dispatch.
# ╔═╡ c5c8f821-8c76-4d2a-9e5e-2030130a42cd
function f_with_type_annotations(a::Int64, b::Int64)
return a * b
# ╔═╡ 0dfe84bc-5363-41e8-b61a-d4865a9ac696
# This will not work anymore!
# f_with_type_annotations(1.1, 2.5)
# ╔═╡ 9484fac4-2c47-444a-8743-da480bf913e6
# It does only work with Int64
f_with_type_annotations(1, 2)
# ╔═╡ 8556149d-eb4f-4226-9e2f-d365a2b65d2e
# Lets say that you now need to use BigInt
# Well, then you are not able to use your nice function anymore 😭
# f_with_type_annotations(big(1), big(2))
# ╔═╡ aa11cfa3-349c-48b8-99c5-2fd9cf73b556
You should avoid using type annotations with concrete types when possible. Instead, use **abstract types**!
# ╔═╡ d5154233-080e-49c7-8548-abd0ffc79e8f
# Remember the hierarchy
# ╔═╡ 7708a170-e34d-4af4-ad7e-4371d6a0bf3e
# Better than the function above
function f_with_abstract_type_annotations(a::Integer, b::Integer)
return a * b
# ╔═╡ 5c79a645-a7f7-4a66-b508-b770c09d83ae
# Now, our lovely function works also with BigInt 😍
f_with_abstract_type_annotations(big(1), big(2))
# ╔═╡ 17dc64ff-0141-4792-bced-4e013a127058
## Multiple dispatch
Multiple dispatch is a powerful concept in Julia. It allows defining different behavior of a function with different argument types. It is best explained using an example.
Lets say, we want to define a fancy function that joins two strings into one with a space between them.
*Lets forget that Julia has the function `join` for now.*
# ╔═╡ 606e515b-bbc2-4656-96ca-fb7dd0b6262a
# We define our function for abstract strings
function join_to_one_string(a::AbstractString, b::AbstractString)
return a * " " * b
# ╔═╡ 944b8bc8-8eb6-4ede-b9cf-23f731298cfe
# Our function does work well with strings ✅
join_to_one_string("Hello", "World")
# ╔═╡ 9c628141-eca1-4bf4-9d29-d0fdebc23da2
Lets say, we find this function very useful and we want to have a similar function that does the same but with numbers instead of strings.
What would you do then? You might just go ahead and define a new function called `number_join_to_one_string` for example. But what if you also want to define similar behavior for vectors? What about other types? Do you want to define a function with a new name for every other type?
Well, that will not be a good design since you would have many functions with different names that all have the same behavior (but not the same way of achieving this behavior).
What if we could just use the same function name and Julia would know how to deal with the input? This is where you get into multiple dispatch!
Lets see how we can tell our function how to deal with numbers.
# ╔═╡ 50a74224-fc38-4d41-adff-073c77148b28
# Define the behavior for numbers
function join_to_one_string(a::Number, b::Number)
a_str = string(a)
b_str = string(b)
# Call the original function for strings after converting a number to a string
# This is not recursion!
return join_to_one_string(a_str, b_str)
# ╔═╡ ae81d9d4-831b-42fe-8ece-5451c6aa4c25
# This will only work when you define how your function can deal with numbers
join_to_one_string(1.1, 2)
# ╔═╡ ed2fc914-c4de-4465-9d2d-3d1b7bd15331
Magic 🪄
Why is this supposed to be that powerful? You could just remember some function names for different types, right?
Well, consider the case where you want to use your fancy function in another function.
# ╔═╡ f7df20e6-2df5-4b4b-a4db-a0ae85a4a966
# We define a function that uses our fancy function internally
function do_some_stuff_and_join(a, b)
println("This is a placeholder for some instructions on $a and $b")
return join_to_one_string(a, b)
# ╔═╡ db3865d7-95ae-4c38-8e24-9271d8341294
do_some_stuff_and_join("Test", "OK")
# ╔═╡ ea67cee1-540b-453f-a484-a303c89316cb
# This will only work when you define how `join_to_one_string` can deal with numbers
do_some_stuff_and_join(1.1, 2)
# ╔═╡ 49980a06-0e1c-4fc9-8e9d-630021f33cf3
It just works when you define `join_to_one_string` for the types you want to use with `do_some_stuff_and_join`.
You don't have to define also different functions with different names for `do_some_stuff_and_join`!
You also don't have to check for the type of the arguments of `do_some_stuff_and_join` to determine which function to call internally.
More importantly, you can define your own types with *structs* and define how `join_to_one_string` should work. Then you can just use all the functions using `join_to_one_string` internally!
We will get into that later when structs are explained.
2022-03-29 06:14:36 +02:00
# ╔═╡ bc24a7a5-9638-4502-b24a-fecc406d9658
# I/O
I/O stand for input/output. In this section, we will learn the basics about reading and writing files.
2022-03-29 06:33:25 +02:00
I/O knowledge will especially help us to read some files containing data to analyze.
2022-03-29 06:14:36 +02:00
# ╔═╡ 274342cb-19a9-4e71-a23e-7c7da18a8022
## Reading files
# ╔═╡ 1e75c110-005c-494f-9569-5eca01cb0545
# Open a file by specifying the path to the file and the mode in which it is opened with.
# The mode "r" stands for read-only. This means that we can only read but not change the content of the file.
# For more modes, check the documentation of `open` 📚️
# The returned value is stored in the variable before `open`
# In this case, the variable `lines` stores a vector of the file lines as strings
lines = open("resources/test.txt", "r") do io
return readlines(io)
2022-03-29 06:14:36 +02:00
2022-03-29 06:14:36 +02:00
# The file is automatically closed
# ╔═╡ 4a10ce80-0053-44c8-aee8-6a1982749fa2
# `lines` is now a vector of strings. Each string is one line in the file that was read.
# ╔═╡ 2e94396b-89e0-44d7-aec4-303ee782a8ee
## Writing files
# ╔═╡ 866e5958-a2bd-4625-aaa7-9e049fe8bbe2
# `lines` is copied here to avoid problems with Pluto
# If you are not using Pluto, you can modify `lines` directly
new_lines = copy(lines)
# Modify one line
new_lines[3] = "Meaningful line"
# Open a new file in write mode (w)
open("resources/new_test.txt", "w") do io
# Write every line into the file
for line in new_lines
# ⚠️ Make sure you give `println` the argument `io`!
println(io, line)
# ╔═╡ d75af522-aed2-11ec-0953-bff6f6282a47
# Plotting
Especially after learning about mutating and pure functions, we are now ready to dive into the world of plotting with Julia 🤿
2022-03-29 06:14:36 +02:00
# ╔═╡ 3742316b-19c5-476b-8a25-dbe5b0c6587c
## Line plots
After the setup for plotting, lets see a simple example.
# ╔═╡ 1bb93b3b-1939-408c-9afa-39f7fc556b9b
# Similar to `range`. Read the documentation of `LinRange` to see the difference 📚️
x = LinRange(0, 2 * π, 250)
# ╔═╡ ee53e8fc-a342-43ee-948e-10c8494afbad
# Broadcasting the function to all elements of x
sin_y = sin.(x)
2022-03-29 06:14:36 +02:00
# ╔═╡ aa2e51f7-9dd3-4f77-9503-da536c6a8f7b
plot(x, sin_y)
# ╔═╡ 5f9f92e2-1755-4d66-bc19-53355d5ce01f
Pretty easy, right? 😍
What if we want more than one plot in one figure? 🤔
# ╔═╡ 1d038daa-ee1f-4058-8be3-c42dd8236206
cos_y = cos.(x)
# ╔═╡ a93e1083-b0dd-41bb-a377-d8436bd028ed
plot(x, sin_y)
# Every plot after the first one has to use an exclamation mark because it is mutating the original plot
plot!(x, cos_y)
# ╔═╡ 64134500-58ed-45b5-884e-e909c99f6e66
Especially for scientific usage, this plot is not enough. It is missing a lot of important elements. Some of them are:
- Axis labels
- Proper legend
- Title
So lets add some more details into the `sin` plot!
# ╔═╡ c5e15ad6-8d0b-4c01-9687-0dea750469a1
x, sin_y,
title="Plotting example",
# ╔═╡ ca292895-ea2a-4fc0-975f-d9a8d40ac068
# Setting more options
x, sin_y,
title="Simple example",
color="red", # Change color
2022-03-29 06:33:25 +02:00
linestyle=:dash, # Change line style
2022-03-29 06:14:36 +02:00
# ╔═╡ 7cc3b76d-6388-4499-8647-9d1fccc6a8c4
For more information about all possible attributes and values, visit this link:
2022-03-30 02:32:30 +02:00
2022-03-29 06:14:36 +02:00
# ╔═╡ c61b154c-0e2c-4c19-b5fc-17a68a25ccb0
## Interactive plots
# ╔═╡ 91383d53-1a7e-42f2-a10b-a71b20aa4186
# This is how you implement a slider
@bind a Slider(0.1:0.1:2)
# ╔═╡ 2f3f0391-6898-4f3d-aa8a-ba33070fc59f
`a =` $a
# ╔═╡ 42074ac6-bf37-4551-8769-3c4d2dfb0298
x, sin.(x ./ a),
ylabel="sin(x / a)",
label="a = $a",
# ╔═╡ 62a4765d-d426-442d-92c2-44efb389c7a9
Plotting to be continued 😉
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00
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2024-05-15 02:18:58 +02:00