From 535b7f079be38880c3f0f3f2eefafacb2e6c7f54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mo8it Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2022 18:37:23 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Add day 1 notebook --- Day_1/Day_1.jl | 421 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 421 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Day_1/Day_1.jl diff --git a/Day_1/Day_1.jl b/Day_1/Day_1.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a413d3c --- /dev/null +++ b/Day_1/Day_1.jl @@ -0,0 +1,421 @@ +### A Pluto.jl notebook ### +# v0.18.4 + +using Markdown +using InteractiveUtils + +# ╔═╡ d1a4ef8b-8e7d-4d34-80d8-cee195e237ae +begin + using PlutoUI + + TableOfContents() +end + +# ╔═╡ 2c5e32f4-1d7d-4494-b025-a90d17919756 +md""" +# Introduction to Julia +""" + +# ╔═╡ 21590bf1-1e1c-46b4-a2b6-7eb915e121ab +md""" +## Why Julia? +- ⚡ Need for speed + - Dynamic and interactive, yet fast! + - JIT: Just in time compiler +- 🔬 Focus on scientific and numerical programming + - Arrays (vectors, matrices, tensors) out of the box + - Awesome packages! +- ✨ Modern + - Modern package manager with environments out of the box + - Parallelism and distributed computation +- 💻 "Julia is written in Julia" +- `@` Metaprogramming (macros) +- 🔓 Free open source software +- 😉 Unicode support +""" + +# ╔═╡ d04af0fd-5ced-4f4f-b157-dd170e2ef8c8 +md""" +## Pluto notebooks +- ⌨️ Press **`F1`** to see the full list of **shortcuts**. +- 📚️ Take a look at the **live docs** to the right. +""" + +# ╔═╡ 938adcfe-8d1b-4c77-8d82-c48415f5673e +md""" +## Calculation +""" + +# ╔═╡ 73190799-fd03-4cc4-9b4e-c523bc310468 +1 + 1 + +# ╔═╡ 4c242a67-6445-48e7-a6c3-418a489b89ba +3 - 1 + +# ╔═╡ fe70db85-6e68-48ee-9b9a-7072e2dd7fe3 +2 * 2 + +# ╔═╡ a73c132f-fd81-49ae-afc8-29e08a9042c8 +3 ^ 4 + +# ╔═╡ 7671c5cb-9265-479d-b782-195bad6b7ba7 +# ⚠️ Different from Python! This gives a helpful error: +# 3 ** 4 + +# ╔═╡ 3f2c4ab8-4ba4-44d5-99d4-9d941e4df99e +5 / 2 + +# ╔═╡ 02282f61-e1ca-483d-b6de-feeccedd7bc0 +5 % 2 + +# ╔═╡ e4237ccd-b042-408b-8177-4c0d31a28caa +5 ÷ 2 + +# ╔═╡ d1bf37f9-5135-48b8-8f9b-84ddd4a86157 +md""" +## Variables +""" + +# ╔═╡ 8d005ddd-0308-4a06-8bae-251387facf6f +a = 2 + +# ╔═╡ b7d27cd4-a655-492e-b2b3-cdc745b2c2da +b = 3 + +# ╔═╡ 141950e5-e9f8-414b-b08d-86777428cbec +# Change a or b above and see what happens +a * b + +# ╔═╡ 2e7f29ce-3afa-4c12-838d-8051c0567e20 +c = a + b + +# ╔═╡ 2121b949-06e7-4079-a25a-d0518ee2ba50 +md""" +## Primitive types +- **`Bool`** +- **`Char`** +- `Float16`, `Float32`, **`Float64`** +- `Int8`, `Int16`, `Int32`, **`Int64`**, `Int128` +- `UInt8`, `UInt16`, `UInt32`, `UInt64`, `UInt128` +""" + +# ╔═╡ 534f3b32-1fc9-4eed-887a-2cac66c2bdb4 +bo = true + +# ╔═╡ f20de3db-f270-4c43-aab7-692c313b5fa9 +ch = 'c' + +# ╔═╡ c72f187f-9626-45d9-870a-267c8530202c +st1 = "c" + +# ╔═╡ 8b6609b0-5d6d-4c7d-a144-deaff79f93e9 +hello = "Hello world!" + +# ╔═╡ 10fdb32f-b66f-4c4e-abd9-e856549941b8 +println(hello) + +# ╔═╡ 00ba151b-a741-448d-b8bf-775217250915 +fl = 42.0 + +# ╔═╡ 750bba32-e695-48f1-af70-70c94d13366b +meaning_of_life = 42 + +# ╔═╡ 4a00035f-a1d1-409f-b73b-07f9073dc9d5 +md""" +## Boolean operators +""" + +# ╔═╡ d4ebb324-fa31-4058-9da1-35e07a971106 +# Boolean AND +true && false + +# ╔═╡ f8259580-5a29-4a13-811f-c91d6811a291 +# Boolean OR +true || false + +# ╔═╡ f813afd8-2e1b-43f7-beeb-ac9bd15fbeb6 +# Boolean NOT +!false + +# ╔═╡ 7ab3a69d-ac31-49cf-8d34-3a427b02ed06 +md""" +⚠️ Don't try to use `and`, `or` or `not` if you are coming from Python! +""" + +# ╔═╡ 5e45b854-c173-452b-b62b-54037a3780fd +md""" +## String operatorions +""" + +# ╔═╡ 0596fe87-4201-476e-8e11-618c621c5474 +# ⚠️ Not + +"Hello " * "world!" + +# ╔═╡ 28063282-5c60-4ffb-a715-9b1e88498df9 +new_to_julia = "Hi, I am new to Julia!" + +# ╔═╡ da5fb1f9-2a2d-4148-8ba5-8c4a529829e9 +# ⚠️ Not in +contains(new_to_julia, "Hi") + +# ╔═╡ 943da836-384d-4774-aaf4-54c27feb53d8 +split(new_to_julia, ",") + +# ╔═╡ a96f3ae9-12df-4df8-85da-09b9b1e47de1 +join(["Hello", "brave", "new", "world", "!"], " ", "") + +# ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 +PLUTO_PROJECT_TOML_CONTENTS = """ +[deps] +PlutoUI = "7f904dfe-b85e-4ff6-b463-dae2292396a8" + +[compat] +PlutoUI = "~0.7.37" +""" + +# ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 +PLUTO_MANIFEST_TOML_CONTENTS = """ +# This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised + +julia_version = "1.7.2" +manifest_format = "2.0" + +[[deps.AbstractPlutoDingetjes]] +deps = ["Pkg"] +git-tree-sha1 = "8eaf9f1b4921132a4cff3f36a1d9ba923b14a481" +uuid = "6e696c72-6542-2067-7265-42206c756150" +version = "1.1.4" + +[[deps.ArgTools]] +uuid = "0dad84c5-d112-42e6-8d28-ef12dabb789f" + +[[deps.Artifacts]] +uuid = "56f22d72-fd6d-98f1-02f0-08ddc0907c33" + +[[deps.Base64]] +uuid = "2a0f44e3-6c83-55bd-87e4-b1978d98bd5f" + +[[deps.ColorTypes]] +deps = ["FixedPointNumbers", "Random"] 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"Random"] +git-tree-sha1 = "f7be53659ab06ddc986428d3a9dcc95f6fa6705a" +uuid = "b5f81e59-6552-4d32-b1f0-c071b021bf89" +version = "0.2.2" + +[[deps.InteractiveUtils]] +deps = ["Markdown"] +uuid = "b77e0a4c-d291-57a0-90e8-8db25a27a240" + +[[deps.JSON]] +deps = ["Dates", "Mmap", "Parsers", "Unicode"] +git-tree-sha1 = "3c837543ddb02250ef42f4738347454f95079d4e" +uuid = "682c06a0-de6a-54ab-a142-c8b1cf79cde6" +version = "0.21.3" + +[[deps.LibCURL]] +deps = ["LibCURL_jll", "MozillaCACerts_jll"] +uuid = "b27032c2-a3e7-50c8-80cd-2d36dbcbfd21" + +[[deps.LibCURL_jll]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "LibSSH2_jll", "Libdl", "MbedTLS_jll", "Zlib_jll", "nghttp2_jll"] +uuid = "deac9b47-8bc7-5906-a0fe-35ac56dc84c0" + +[[deps.LibGit2]] +deps = ["Base64", "NetworkOptions", "Printf", "SHA"] +uuid = "76f85450-5226-5b5a-8eaa-529ad045b433" + +[[deps.LibSSH2_jll]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl", "MbedTLS_jll"] +uuid = "29816b5a-b9ab-546f-933c-edad1886dfa8" + +[[deps.Libdl]] +uuid = "8f399da3-3557-5675-b5ff-fb832c97cbdb" + +[[deps.LinearAlgebra]] +deps = ["Libdl", "libblastrampoline_jll"] +uuid = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e" + +[[deps.Logging]] +uuid = "56ddb016-857b-54e1-b83d-db4d58db5568" + +[[deps.Markdown]] +deps = ["Base64"] +uuid = "d6f4376e-aef5-505a-96c1-9c027394607a" + +[[deps.MbedTLS_jll]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] +uuid = "c8ffd9c3-330d-5841-b78e-0817d7145fa1" + +[[deps.Mmap]] +uuid = "a63ad114-7e13-5084-954f-fe012c677804" + +[[deps.MozillaCACerts_jll]] +uuid = "14a3606d-f60d-562e-9121-12d972cd8159" + +[[deps.NetworkOptions]] +uuid = "ca575930-c2e3-43a9-ace4-1e988b2c1908" + +[[deps.OpenBLAS_jll]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "CompilerSupportLibraries_jll", "Libdl"] +uuid = "4536629a-c528-5b80-bd46-f80d51c5b363" + +[[deps.Parsers]] +deps = ["Dates"] +git-tree-sha1 = "85b5da0fa43588c75bb1ff986493443f821c70b7" +uuid = "69de0a69-1ddd-5017-9359-2bf0b02dc9f0" +version = "2.2.3" + +[[deps.Pkg]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "Dates", "Downloads", "LibGit2", "Libdl", "Logging", "Markdown", "Printf", "REPL", "Random", "SHA", "Serialization", "TOML", "Tar", "UUIDs", "p7zip_jll"] +uuid = "44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f" + +[[deps.PlutoUI]] +deps = ["AbstractPlutoDingetjes", "Base64", "ColorTypes", "Dates", "Hyperscript", "HypertextLiteral", "IOCapture", "InteractiveUtils", "JSON", "Logging", "Markdown", "Random", "Reexport", "UUIDs"] +git-tree-sha1 = "bf0a1121af131d9974241ba53f601211e9303a9e" +uuid = "7f904dfe-b85e-4ff6-b463-dae2292396a8" +version = "0.7.37" + +[[deps.Printf]] +deps = ["Unicode"] +uuid = "de0858da-6303-5e67-8744-51eddeeeb8d7" + +[[deps.REPL]] +deps = ["InteractiveUtils", "Markdown", "Sockets", "Unicode"] +uuid = "3fa0cd96-eef1-5676-8a61-b3b8758bbffb" + +[[deps.Random]] +deps = ["SHA", "Serialization"] +uuid = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c" + +[[deps.Reexport]] +git-tree-sha1 = "45e428421666073eab6f2da5c9d310d99bb12f9b" +uuid = "189a3867-3050-52da-a836-e630ba90ab69" +version = "1.2.2" + +[[deps.SHA]] +uuid = "ea8e919c-243c-51af-8825-aaa63cd721ce" + +[[deps.Serialization]] +uuid = "9e88b42a-f829-5b0c-bbe9-9e923198166b" + +[[deps.Sockets]] +uuid = "6462fe0b-24de-5631-8697-dd941f90decc" + +[[deps.SparseArrays]] +deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "Random"] +uuid = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf" + +[[deps.Statistics]] +deps = ["LinearAlgebra", "SparseArrays"] +uuid = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2" + +[[deps.TOML]] +deps = ["Dates"] +uuid = "fa267f1f-6049-4f14-aa54-33bafae1ed76" + +[[deps.Tar]] +deps = ["ArgTools", "SHA"] +uuid = "a4e569a6-e804-4fa4-b0f3-eef7a1d5b13e" + +[[deps.Test]] +deps = ["InteractiveUtils", "Logging", "Random", "Serialization"] +uuid = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40" + +[[deps.UUIDs]] +deps = ["Random", "SHA"] +uuid = "cf7118a7-6976-5b1a-9a39-7adc72f591a4" + +[[deps.Unicode]] +uuid = "4ec0a83e-493e-50e2-b9ac-8f72acf5a8f5" + +[[deps.Zlib_jll]] +deps = ["Libdl"] +uuid = "83775a58-1f1d-513f-b197-d71354ab007a" + +[[deps.libblastrampoline_jll]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl", "OpenBLAS_jll"] +uuid = "8e850b90-86db-534c-a0d3-1478176c7d93" + +[[deps.nghttp2_jll]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] +uuid = "8e850ede-7688-5339-a07c-302acd2aaf8d" + +[[deps.p7zip_jll]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] +uuid = "3f19e933-33d8-53b3-aaab-bd5110c3b7a0" +""" + +# ╔═╡ Cell order: +# ╟─2c5e32f4-1d7d-4494-b025-a90d17919756 +# ╟─21590bf1-1e1c-46b4-a2b6-7eb915e121ab +# ╟─d04af0fd-5ced-4f4f-b157-dd170e2ef8c8 +# ╟─938adcfe-8d1b-4c77-8d82-c48415f5673e +# ╠═73190799-fd03-4cc4-9b4e-c523bc310468 +# ╠═4c242a67-6445-48e7-a6c3-418a489b89ba +# ╠═fe70db85-6e68-48ee-9b9a-7072e2dd7fe3 +# ╠═a73c132f-fd81-49ae-afc8-29e08a9042c8 +# ╠═7671c5cb-9265-479d-b782-195bad6b7ba7 +# ╠═3f2c4ab8-4ba4-44d5-99d4-9d941e4df99e +# ╠═02282f61-e1ca-483d-b6de-feeccedd7bc0 +# ╠═e4237ccd-b042-408b-8177-4c0d31a28caa +# ╟─d1bf37f9-5135-48b8-8f9b-84ddd4a86157 +# ╠═8d005ddd-0308-4a06-8bae-251387facf6f +# ╠═b7d27cd4-a655-492e-b2b3-cdc745b2c2da +# ╠═141950e5-e9f8-414b-b08d-86777428cbec +# ╠═2e7f29ce-3afa-4c12-838d-8051c0567e20 +# ╟─2121b949-06e7-4079-a25a-d0518ee2ba50 +# ╠═534f3b32-1fc9-4eed-887a-2cac66c2bdb4 +# ╠═f20de3db-f270-4c43-aab7-692c313b5fa9 +# ╠═c72f187f-9626-45d9-870a-267c8530202c +# ╠═8b6609b0-5d6d-4c7d-a144-deaff79f93e9 +# ╠═10fdb32f-b66f-4c4e-abd9-e856549941b8 +# ╠═00ba151b-a741-448d-b8bf-775217250915 +# ╠═750bba32-e695-48f1-af70-70c94d13366b +# ╟─4a00035f-a1d1-409f-b73b-07f9073dc9d5 +# ╠═d4ebb324-fa31-4058-9da1-35e07a971106 +# ╠═f8259580-5a29-4a13-811f-c91d6811a291 +# ╠═f813afd8-2e1b-43f7-beeb-ac9bd15fbeb6 +# ╟─7ab3a69d-ac31-49cf-8d34-3a427b02ed06 +# ╟─5e45b854-c173-452b-b62b-54037a3780fd +# ╠═0596fe87-4201-476e-8e11-618c621c5474 +# ╠═28063282-5c60-4ffb-a715-9b1e88498df9 +# ╠═da5fb1f9-2a2d-4148-8ba5-8c4a529829e9 +# ╠═943da836-384d-4774-aaf4-54c27feb53d8 +# ╠═a96f3ae9-12df-4df8-85da-09b9b1e47de1 +# ╟─d1a4ef8b-8e7d-4d34-80d8-cee195e237ae +# ╟─00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 +# ╟─00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002