using CairoMakie using LaTeXStrings: @L_str using StaticArrays: SVector using JLD2: JLD2 using Dates: Dates using CSV: CSV using DataFrames: DataFrames using Random: Random using ReCo: ReCo include("../../visualization/common_CairoMakie.jl") function radial_distribution_simulation(; n_particles::Int64, v₀s::NTuple{N,Float64}, T::Float64, packing_fraction::Float64 ) where {N} Random.seed!(42) n_v₀s = length(v₀s) sim_dirs = Vector{String}(undef, n_v₀s) parent_dir = "radial_distribution_$(" Threads.@threads for v₀_ind in 1:n_v₀s v₀ = v₀s[v₀_ind] sim_dir = ReCo.init_sim(; n_particles=n_particles, v₀=v₀, packing_fraction=packing_fraction, parent_dir=parent_dir, comment="$v₀", ) ReCo.run_sim(sim_dir; duration=T, seed=v₀_ind) sim_dirs[v₀_ind] = sim_dir end return sim_dirs end function circular_shell_volume(lower_radius, Δradius) return π * (2 * lower_radius * Δradius + Δradius^2) end function radial_distribution(; sim_dirs::Vector{String}, n_radii::Int64, n_last_snapshots::Int64, n_particles::Int64 ) sim_consts = ReCo.load_sim_consts(sim_dirs[1]) particle_radius = sim_consts.particle_radius min_lower_radius = 0.0 max_lower_radius = 5 * (2 * particle_radius) Δradius = (max_lower_radius - min_lower_radius) / n_radii lower_radii = LinRange(min_lower_radius, max_lower_radius, n_radii) box_volume = (2 * sim_consts.half_box_len)^2 volume_per_particle = box_volume / n_particles n_sim_dirs = length(sim_dirs) gs = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(undef, n_sim_dirs) Threads.@threads for sim_dir_ind in 1:n_sim_dirs sim_dir = sim_dirs[sim_dir_ind] cs = Matrix{SVector{2,Float64}}(undef, (n_particles, n_last_snapshots)) bundle_paths = ReCo.sorted_bundle_paths(sim_dir; rev=true) snapshot_counter = 0 break_bundle_path_loop = false for bundle_path in bundle_paths bundle::ReCo.Bundle = JLD2.load_object(bundle_path) for snapshot_ind in (bundle.n_snapshots):-1:1 snapshot_counter += 1 @simd for particle_ind in 1:n_particles cs[particle_ind, snapshot_counter] = bundle.c[ particle_ind, snapshot_ind ] end if snapshot_counter == n_last_snapshots break_bundle_path_loop = true break end end if break_bundle_path_loop break end end if snapshot_counter != n_last_snapshots error("snapshot_counter != n_last_snapshots") end g = zeros(Float64, n_radii) for snapshot_ind in 1:n_last_snapshots for p1_ind in 1:n_particles for p2_ind in (p1_ind + 1):n_particles c1 = cs[p1_ind, snapshot_ind] c2 = cs[p2_ind, snapshot_ind] r⃗₁₂ = c2 - c1 r⃗₁₂ = ReCo.restrict_coordinates(r⃗₁₂, sim_consts.half_box_len) distance = ReCo.norm2d(r⃗₁₂) lower_radius_ind = ceil(Int64, distance / Δradius) if lower_radius_ind <= n_radii g[lower_radius_ind] += 2 end end end end for (lower_radius_ind, lower_radius) in enumerate(lower_radii) g[lower_radius_ind] *= volume_per_particle / ( n_last_snapshots * n_particles * circular_shell_volume(lower_radius, Δradius) ) end gs[sim_dir_ind] = g end return (lower_radii, gs, particle_radius) end function plot_radial_distributions(; v₀s::NTuple{N,Float64}, lower_radii::AbstractVector{Float64}, gs::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, particle_radius::Float64, include_comparison::Bool, filename_addition::String="", ) where {N} println("Plotting the radial distributions") init_cairomakie!() fig = gen_figure() min_lower_radius = 0.0 max_lower_radius = maximum(lower_radii) min_g = 0.0 max_g = maximum(maximum.(gs)) ax = Axis( fig[1, 1]; xticks=0:(2 * particle_radius):floor(Int64, max_lower_radius), yticks=0:ceil(Int64, max_g), xlabel=L"r / d", ylabel=L"g(r)", limits=(min_lower_radius - 0.03, max_lower_radius + 0.03, min_g, max_g * 1.03), ) lines!( ax, SVector(min_lower_radius, max_lower_radius), SVector(1.0, 1.0); linestyle=:dash, color=:red, linewidth=1, ) for (g_ind, g) in enumerate(gs) v₀ = round(Int64, v₀s[g_ind]) scatterlines!( ax, lower_radii, g; markersize=3, linewidth=1, label=L"Simulation with $v_0 = %$(v₀)$", ) end if include_comparison comparison_curve = "analysis/radial_distribution_function/g_of_r_d_ratio_with_0_37_packing_fraction.csv", DataFrames.DataFrame; header=3, ) lines!( ax, comparison_curve.r_d_ratio, comparison_curve.g_of_r_d_ratio; label=L"Reference with $v_0 = 0$", color=:orange, ) end axislegend(ax; position=:rt, padding=3, rowgap=-3) save_fig("radial_distribution$filename_addition.pdf", fig) return nothing end function run_radial_distribution_analysis() v₀s = (0.0, 40.0, 80.0) n_particles = 1000 sim_dirs = radial_distribution_simulation(; n_particles=n_particles, v₀s=v₀s, T=100.0, packing_fraction=0.37 ) lower_radii, gs, particle_radius = radial_distribution(; sim_dirs=sim_dirs, n_radii=58, n_last_snapshots=200, n_particles=n_particles ) plot_radial_distributions(; v₀s=v₀s[1:1], lower_radii, gs=gs[1:1], particle_radius, include_comparison=true ) plot_radial_distributions(; v₀s=v₀s[1:end], lower_radii, gs=gs[1:end], particle_radius, include_comparison=false, filename_addition="_all_vs", ) return nothing end