# The URL the site will be built for base_url = "https://yinghong-massage.de" title = "Ying Yang Massage" # Whether to automatically compile all Sass files in the sass directory compile_sass = false [extra] logo_path = "images/logo.png" portrait_path = "images/index/portrait.jpeg" # Custom colors for navigation bar, footer, h1 tags, etc. primary_color = "#6db9a5" secondary_color = "#6e0000" # Menu [[extra.menu_items]] name = "Startseite" url = "/" [[extra.menu_items]] name = "Unser Angebot" url = "/angebot" [[extra.menu_items]] name = "Terminvereinbarung" url = "/termin" # Footer [[extra.footer_items]] name = "Startseite" url = "/" [[extra.footer_items]] name = "Kontakt" url = "/kontakt" [[extra.footer_items]] name = "Datenschutzerklärung" url = "/datenschutz" [[extra.footer_items]] name = "Impressum" url = "/impressum"