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Task: SSH 🔑

Generate an SSH key pair in the browser terminal if you did not do so on day 3 yet. Send me the public key per email: mo8it@proton.me

The public key has the extension .pub. Don't send me the private key!!! You should never send your private SSH keys to anyone!

I will then append your public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server that we will use in the next tasks. After I add your public key, you will be able to login to the server and do the next tasks.

Create the file ~/.ssh/config if it does not exist and add the server as a host with the name linux-lab:

Host linux-lab
  User admin

After that I add your public key, connect to the server using the host name that you entered in ~/.ssh/config which is linux-lab:

ssh linux-lab

Task: User creation 👤

  1. Create a user for yourself on the server after connecting with SSH. To do so, run:

    sudo useradd USERNAME

    Replace USERNAME with your name.

  2. Now, set a password for the new user:

    sudo passwd USERNAME
  3. For the new user to be able to use sudo, it has to be added to the wheel group:

    sudo usermod -aG wheel USERNAME

    -aG stands for append to group(s).

    (On Debian based distros, the user should be added to the sudo group instead of wheel.)

  4. Now, change your user to the new user:

    su --login USERNAME

    You will be asked for the password. After a successful authentication, you will see that the username changed in the prompt.

  5. Run the following command for verification:


    It should not output "admin"!

    Yes, the command is called whoami. Linux can be philosophical sometimes 🤔

  6. Now, verify that you can run sudo as the new user:

    sudo whoami

    You should see "root" as output because sudo runs a command temporarily as the root user.

  7. cd to the home directory of the new user.

  8. Make sure that you are in the home directory of the new user! Run pwd to verify that you are NOT in /home/admin ⚠️ PLEASE, DON'T TOUCH /home/admin/.ssh ⚠️ Now, create the directory ~/.ssh in the home directory of the new user. Change the permissions of ~/.ssh such that only the user has read, write and execution permissions. group and others should have no permissions for ~/.ssh!

  9. Create the file authorized_keys inside ~/.ssh. Only the user should have read and write permissions for the file. group and others should have no permissions for it!

  10. Copy the content of your public key file (with the extension .pub) to this file. It should be one line! Then save the file.

  11. Logout from the server to get back to the system in the browser terminal. Go to ~/.ssh/config that you edited at the beginning of this task. Change the user for the host linux-lab from admin to USERNAME where USERNAME is the name of the new user that you created on the server.

  12. Try to connect using the host name again. If you did everything right, you should be connected and be the user that you did create. Run whoami to verify that the output is not "admin".

Task: File transfer ⬆️⬇️

In the system of the browser terminal, use rsync to upload some files and directories that you created during the course to the server linux-lab ⬆️

Now, login to the server with SSH to verify that the files and directories were uploaded correctly.

While on the server, create a file with some text in it. Remember its path!

Now, logout from the server and use rsync to download that file to your system ⬇️

Task: Compilation in containers 📦

📍 : This task should be done on the server using the user that you created (not admin).

We want to practice scripting and dealing with containers. Therefore, we will compile something in a container!

We want to compile the program tmate:

  1. Start Zellij on the system of the browser terminal.
  2. Login the user that you created on the server (not admin).
  3. Start an Ubuntu container with podman run -it --rm --name tmate-compiler ubuntu:latest bash.
  4. Run apt update to be able to install packages with the apt package manager in the next steps.
  5. Go to the website of tmate and find out how to compile from source (there are instructions for compiling on Ubuntu).
  6. Install the packages that are required for the compilation with apt install. These packages are listed on the website where the compilation instructions are.
  7. Follow the actual compilation instructions on the website. The compilation might take some minutes.
  8. After compilation, you will find the program file tmate in the directory of the git repository.
  9. Don't exit the container yet, otherwise you will lose what you have done in it! Now, open a new Zellij pane, login to the same user on the server and copy the binary tmate from the container to the directory bin in your home directory. Use the command podman cp CONTAINERNAME:SRC_PATH DESTINATION_PATH.
  10. Verify that the binary tmate was copied to DESTINATION_PATH and then exit the container in the first Zellij pane.

Now, write a script called compile_tmate.sh that automates what you have done in the container to compile tmate. Just copy all the commands that you used inside the container to a script.

Add mv PATH_TO_THE_TMATE_PROGRAM_IN_THE_CONTAINER /volumes/bin to the end of the script to move the binary to the directory /volumes/bin after compilation.

Create a directory called scripts and put the script in it.

Now, write a second script in the parent directory of the directory scripts. The second script should automate creating the container that runs the first script (compile_tmate.sh).

Do the following in the second script:

  1. Check if scripts/compile_tmate.sh does NOT exist. In that case, print an error message and exit with the code 1.

  2. Make sure that scripts/compile_tmate.sh is executable for the user.

  3. Create a directory called bin (next to the directory scripts) if it doesn't already exist.

  4. Use the following snippet:

    podman run -it --rm \
        --name tmate-compiler \
        --volume ./scripts:/volumes/scripts:Z,ro \
        --volume ./bin:/volumes/bin:Z \
        docker.io/library/ubuntu:latest \

    It creates a container that runs the script compile_tmate.sh and is removed afterwards (because of --rm).

    The scripts directory is mounted as a volume to be able to give the container access to the script compile_tmate.sh. It is mounted as read only (ro) because it will not be modified.

    The bin directory is mounted to be able to transfer the binary into it before the container exits.

After running the second script, you should see the container compiling and then exiting. At the end, you should find the binary tmate in the bin directory.

Now, that you have the program tmate, find out what it does! Try it with another participant 😃


  • On Debian based distributions like Ubuntu, the package manager is apt. Before that you can install any packages with apt, you have to run apt update. This does not run system updates like dnf upgrade. apt update does only synchronize repositories which is needed before any installation.

  • You can use the following snippet to test if a file exists in bash:

    if [ -f FILE_PATH ]

    Replace with your code.

    For more information on the option -f and other useful options for bash conditions, read the man page of the program test inside of bash: man test.

    To test if a file does NOT exist, replace -f with ! -f.

  • You can exit a Bash script returning an exit code using exit:

    exit 1

Task: Static website 🌐

📍 : In this task, you should connect as the user admin to the server. Don't do this task as the user that you created on the server! ⚠️ Just run ssh admin@linux-lab

📍 : Starting with this task: Asking you to replace N means to enter the number that you are using in the URL ttydN.mo8it.com.

In this task, you will host a static website. A static website is just a set of HTML, CSS (and optionally JavaScript) files (no backend).

To host the website, we need a web server. In this task, we will use the Nginx web server.

Create the directory ~/nginxN after replacing N. Create two directories inside it: website and config.

Place these two files:

  1. ~/nginxN/config/nginx.conf (replace N):

    server {
        root /volumes/website;
        index index.html;
        location / {
  2. ~/nginxN/website/index.html (replace N):

    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <h1>Hello world!</h1>

Create an Nginx container with the following options:

  • Name: nginxN. Replace N!
  • Network: traefik.
  • Volumes:
    • ~/nginxN/website:/volumes/website with labels Z,ro.
    • ~/nginxN/config:/etc/nginx/conf.d with labels Z,ro.
  • Image: docker.io/library/nginx:alpine

Create the systemd service file for the container above.

Move the systemd service file to ~/.config/systemd/user.

Enable and start the container as a user services with systemctl --user enable --now container-nginxN. Replace N!

Visit https://nginxN.mo8it.xyz in your browser to see if everything did work! Replace N!

Now, you can edit index.html and add your own HTML content.

You can also add more files to the directory website. If you add a file test.html for example, then you should see it under the link https://nginxN.mo8it.xyz/test.

Task: Nextcloud ☁️

📍 : In this task, you should connect as the user admin to the server. Don't do this task as the user that you created on the server! ⚠️ Just run ssh admin@linux-lab

In this task, you will deploy your own cloud on the server: Nextcloud!

To do so, we will install Nextcloud as a container using podman.

You can find more information about the Nextcloud container here.

Create the directory ~/nextcloudN (replace N).

Create a directory called ~nextcloudN-db (replace N) for the database container.

Create a container for the database with the following options:

  • Container name: nextcloudN-db. Replace N!
  • Network: traefik
  • Volume: Mount the directory nextcloudN-db (replace N) that you created into /var/lib/postgresql/data in the container. Use the label Z!
  • The following environment variables:
    • POSTGRES_DB=nextcloud
    • POSTGRES_USER=nextcloud
    • POSTGRES_PASSWORD=DB_PASSWORD. Replace DB_PASSWORD with a good password!
  • Image: docker.io/library/postgres:alpine

Create the actual Nextcloud container with the following options:

  • Container name: nextcloudN. replace N!
  • Network: traefik
  • Volume: Mount the directory nextcloudN that you created into /var/www/html in the container. Use the label Z!
  • The same environment variables as for the other container! Use the same DB_PASSWORD. Add one more environment variable:
    • POSTGRES_HOST=nextcloudN-db. Replace N!
  • Image: docker.io/library/nextcloud:27-apache

Create the systemd files for both containers. Move the systemd files to ~/.config/systemd/user.

Enable and start both containers as a user services with systemctl --user enable --now container-nextcloudN-db and systemctl --user enable --now container-nextcloudN. Replace N!

Visit https://nextcloudN.mo8it.xyz to see if everything did work! Replace N!